September 13, 2006 Volume
2, Number 31
1) Rally
in Kansas
City Marked by Remarkable
Unity 2) Vision America invited to
Rally Pastors in South
Dakota 3) Invitation
Extended to Deliver a Major Address at the
Washinton DC Values Voter Summit 4)
Conference to Feature a Call to
Expression of
Voter Contract with
has taken the lead in announcing this
groundbreaking legislative campaign.
We believe this action plan is imperative to
preserve the Godly heritage of our
nation. Click the link below to find details
and sign on.

new book from Rick Scarborough gives a
powerful analysis of the fight for our culture and
our children! Liberalism
Kills Kids is a
must-read detailing what is at stake today in
and why people of faith must respond. Take
advantage of our special offer on this newly
released book!
here to purchase
online |
in Kansas
Marked by Remarkable
1000 people gathered in Kansas City, Missouri, to hear Catholic Bishop
Robert Finn, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Scientist Shao-Chun Chang, MD,
PhD, and myself, as we examined the claims of the proponents of
Amendment 2 to the Missouri Constitution, as well as the facts of
those claim, on Monday evening. To say that the facts do not
support the claims is an understatement of enormous consequence to
the unborn.
of Amendment Two, which they refer to as the Missouri Cures
Amendment, deny that they are proposing the cloning of human beings,
but as Dr. Chang so succinctly proves from science, that claim is a
factual lie. Increasingly now, the proponents of this devilish
idea are retreating to rhetoric that in effect says, “but the embryo
is so small and early that it really doesn’t matter,” an argument
which taken to its inevitable conclusion so devalues human life that
men of Christian character must oppose it…and we are!
at the rally were one year old twins who were formerly frozen
embryos. These two beautiful babies and their proud parents
appeared beside President Bush as he vetoed Federal legislation that
would have funded embryonic stem cell research, using frozen
embryos. Every time an embryo has stem cells extracted, a
human being dies. Thankfully these beautiful babies were
The Kansas
City Star referred to the rally as part revival, part science
lecture and part political rally. That was precisely what we
were trying to accomplish. Our rallies include incredible
praise and worship, led and orchestrated by one of
America’s foremost
songwriters and musicians, Kim Noblitt. In that atmosphere of
praise and worship, Bishop Finn, of the Kansas City-St. Joseph
Catholic Diocese, Ambassador Keyes, and I, each took different
tracts to explain why Christians must unify in their opposition to
this Amendment. Hearing from a Catholic Bishop, a seasoned and
Harvard educated Black politician/diplomat, and a Baptist Preacher
diffuses the accusation that this is a Black or White or Evangelical
or Catholic or Baptist issue…this is a God issue. One that
people of all faiths, color or station in life, should unite
Our next
rally will be held on September 21 in Springfield, Missouri, at the National Assembly
of God headquarters, in the historic Central Assembly of God
Church. This rally is shaping up to be the biggest rally yet,
with an anticipated crowd exceeding 2500 people. Please pray
for us as we continue this effort to move Pastors in Missouri to
stand up and speak out against this all out assault on the
unborn. Funding has now been provided to conduct another rally
in Missouri which will be announced
in our next Rick Scarborough Report.
America invited to Rally Pastors in South
As I
prepare this report, I am enroute to Rapid City, South Dakota, where
I am scheduled for two days of meetings with significant pastors and
leaders around the state, to discuss the possibility of conducting
three rallies in key cities in the state, in an effort to stem the
assault of pro-abortion forces bent on preserving their all out
terrorism against the unborn. Last year, the legislature of
Dakota became the first in the nation to ban
all abortions. Unfortunately, Federal laws legalizing abortion
trump state bans, but the significance of the state ban lies in the
fact that is will certainly precipitate a Supreme Court showdown
over the validity of the 1973 “Roe v Wade,” decision which even
proponents of abortion on demand agree is bad law and will be
overturned, throwing the whole abortion debate back to the states
where it belongs. When that day comes, dozens of states will
join South
Dakota in banning abortion and rescuing
children from the cruel fate of the
Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other leftist groups who profit
from abortions cannot allow that to happen, so they are pouring
millions into the overturning of this legislation. And they
are winning…but not for long, IF the church, led by her Pastors,
gets involved.
precisely why we have been invited to come into South Dakota
and work. While I am honored to be invited in, I must discern
whether or not this is a calling from the Lord. We are
stretched financially and personnel wise by the demands in
Missouri, and we will drown as an
organization unless we know that God has issued a “Macedonian Call.”
(See Acts 16:1-2).
make this a matter of sincere prayer as we seek to discern His
bidding and do His will, not our own. I greatly depend on the
prayers of many of you who faithfully read this Report each
week. I will report my findings back to you next
Extended to Deliver a Major Address at the Washington DC
Values Voter Summit
Last week I received an
invitation to join be part of the Values Voters Summit, sponsored by
Focus on the Family, American Family Association, Family Research
Council, and other national organizations, for what is being billed
as the most important conference to be held in Washington DC this year. President
George Bush is among the invited
I am
honored to take part in this conference with over 1000 attendees at
2:30PM on Saturday, September 23rd. Please pray
that I honor our Lord with this very important assignment and
Conference to Feature a Call to
Tommye and
I will travel to Vermont
immediately following the DC Summit, to address over one hundred
Pastors from around the state of Vermont in their Capitol
City. My
specific assignment at the all day conference will be to remind
Pastors of their Biblical responsibility to be salt and light in our
society. Again, I beseech you for your
God’s hand is graciously upon Vision America right now.
Your prayers and faithful financial part make you a Patriot
Partner. If you are not signed up as one of our Partners,
why not do so today? We need you now, more than ever.
I love you
